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    22. Conference on Security and Co-Operation Europe Final Act(HELSINKI 1975)-3
    ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ : °ü¸®ÀÚ ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 2008-01-30 Á¶È¸¼ö : 222 ÆÄ ÀÏ :

    ¥¸. Conference on Security and Co-Operation Europe Final Act(HELSINKI 1975)




    Questions relating to Security in Europe
     1. (a) Declaration on Principles Guiding Relations between Participating States
    I. Sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty
      II. Refraining from the threat or use of force
      III. Inviolability of frontiers
      IV. Territorial integrity of States
      V. Peaceful settlement of disputes
      VI. Non-intervention in internal affairs
      VII. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including  the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief
      VIII. Equal rights and self-determination of peoples
      IX. Co-operation among States
      X. Fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international law
     (b) Matters related to giving effect to certain of the above Principles

     2. Document on confidence-building measures and certain aspects of security and disarmament
    I. Prior notification of major military manoeuvres
                   Prior notification of other military manoeuvres
                   Exchange of observers
                   Prior notification of major military movements
                   Other confidence-building measures
      II. Questions relating to disarmament
      III. General considerations

    Co-operation in the Field of Economics, of Science and Technology and of the Environment

     1. Commercial Exchanges
    General provisions
      Business contacts and facilities
      Economic and commercial information

     2. Industrial co-operation and projects of common interest
    Industrial co-operation
      Projects of common interest

     3. Provisions concerning trade and industrial co-operation
    Harmonization of standards
      Specific bilateral arrangements

     4. Science and technology
    Possibilities for improving co-operation
      Fields of co-operation
       New technologies, rational use of resources
       Transport technology
       Meteorology and hydrology
       Seismological research
       Research on glaciology, permafrost
       and problems of life under conditions of cold
       Computer, communication and information technologies
       Space research
       Medicine and public health
       Environmental research
      Forms and methods of co-operation

     5. Environment
    Aims of co-operation
      Fields of co-operation
       Control of air pollution
       Water pollution control and fresh water utilization
       Protection of the marine environment
       Land utilization and soils
       Nature conservation and nature reserves
       Improvement of environmental conditions in areas
       of human settlement
       Fundamental research, monitoring, forecasting
       and assessment of environmental changes
       Legal and administrative measures
      Forms and methods of co-operation

     6. Co-operation in other areas
    Development of transport
      Promotion of tourism
      Economic and social aspects of migrant labour
      Training of personnel

    Questions relating to Security and Co-operation in the Mediterranean

    Co-operation in Humanitarian and Other Fields

     1. Human Contacts
    (a) Contacts and regular meetings on the basis of family ties
      (b) Reunification of families(Human Contacts continued)
      (c) Marriage between citizens of different states
      (d) Travel for personal or professional reasons
      (e) Improvement of conditions for tourism on an Individual or collective 
      (f) Meetings among young people
      (g) Sport
      (h) Expansion of contacts

     2. Information
      (a) Improvement of the circulation of, Access to, and exchange of 
       (i) Oral information
       (ii) Printed information
       (iii) Filmed and broadcast information
      (b) Co-operation in the field of information
      (c) Improvement of working conditions for journalists

     3. Co-operation and Exchanges in the Field of Culture
    Extension of relations
      Mutual knowledge
      Exchanges and dissemination
      Contacts and co-operation
      Fields and forms of co-operation
       National minorities or regional cultures

     4. Co-operation and Exchanges in the Field of Education
    (a) Extension of relations
      (b) Access and exchanges
      (c) Science
       exact and natural sciences
       the humanities and social sciences
      (d) Foreign languages and civilizations
      (e) Teaching methods
       National minorities or regional cultures

    Follow-up to the Conference

     About the text of the Helsinki Final Act



    6. Co-operation in other areas

    Development of transport

    The participating States,
     Considering that the improvement of the conditions of transport constitutes one of the factors essential to the development of co-operation among them,
     Considering that it is necessary to encourage the development of transport and the solution of existing problems by employing appropriate national and international means,
     Taking into account the work being carried out on these subjects by existing international organizations, especially by the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe,
     note that the speed of technical progress in the various fields of transport makes desirable a development of co-operation and an increase in exchanges of information among them;
     declare themselves in favour of a simplification and a harmonization of administrative formalities in the field of international transport, in particular at frontiers;
     consider it desirable to promote, while allowing for their particular national circumstances in this sector, the harmonization of administrative and technical provisions concerning safety in road, rail, river, air and sea transport;
     express their intention to encourage the development of international inland transport of passengers and goods as well as the possibilities of adequate participation in such transport on the basis of reciprocal advantage;
     declare themselves in favour, with due respect for their rights and international commitments, of the elimination of disparities arising from the legal provisions applied to traffic on inland waterways which are subject to international conventions and, in particular, of the disparity in the application of those provisions; and to this end invite the member States of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine, of the Danube Commission and of other bodies to develop the work and studies now being carried out, in particular within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;
     express their willingness, with a view to improving international rail transport and with due respect for their rights and international commitments, to work towards the elimination of difficulties arising from disparities in existing international legal provisions governing the reciprocal railway transport of passengers and goods between their territories;
     express the desire for intensification of the work being carried out by existing international organizations in the field of transport, especially that of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and express their intention to contribute thereto by their efforts;
     consider that examination by the participating States of the possibility of their accession to the different conventions or to membership of international organizations specializing in transport matters. as well as their efforts to implement conventions when ratified, could contribute to the strengthening of their co-operation in this field.The participating States,
     Aware of the contribution made by international tourism to the development of mutual understanding among peoples, to increased knowledge of other countries' achievements in various fields. as well as to economic, social and cultural progress,
     Recognizing the interrelationship between the development of tourism and measures taken in other areas of economic activity,
     express their intention to encourage increased tourism on both an individual and group basis in particular by:

    Promotion of tourism




    -  encouraging the improvement of the tourist infrastructure and co-operation in this field;
    -  encouraging the carrying out of joint tourist projects including technical cooperation, particularly where this is suggested by territorial proximity and the convergence of tourist interests;
    -  encouraging the exchange of information, including relevant laws and regulations, studies, data and documentation relating to tourism, and by improving statistics with a view to facilitating their comparability;
    -  dealing in a positive spirit with questions connected with the allocation of financial means for tourist travel abroad, having regard to their economic possibilities, as well as with those connected with the formalities required for such travel, taking into account other provisions on tourism adopted by the Conference;
    -  facilitating the activities of foreign travel agencies and passenger transport companies in the promotion of international tourism;
    -  encouraging tourism outside the high season;
    -  examining the possibilities of exchanging specialists and students in the field of tourism, with a view to improving their qualifications;
    -  promoting conferences and symposia on the planning and development of tourism;

     consider it desirable to carry out in the appropriate international framework, and with the co-operation of the relevant national bodies, detailed studies on tourism, in particular:

    - a comparative study on the status and activities of travel agencies as well as on ways and means of achieving better co-operation among them;
    -  a study of the problems raised by the seasonal concentration of vacations, with the ultimate objective of encouraging tourism outside peak periods;
    -  studies of the problems arising in areas where tourism has injured the environment;

     consider also that interested parties might wish to study the following questions:

    -  uniformity of hotel classification; and
    -  tourist routes comprising two or more countries;

     will endeavour, where possible, to ensure that the development of tourism does not injure the environment and the artistic, historic and cultural heritage in their respective countries;
     will pursue their co-operation in the field of tourism bilaterally and multilaterally with a view to attaining the above objectives.

    Economic and social aspects of migrant labour

    The participating States,
     Considering that the movements of migrant workers in Europe have reached substantial proportions, and that they constitute an important economic, social and human factor for host countries as well as for countries of origin,
     Recognizing that workers' migrations have also given rise to a number of economic, social, human and other problems in both the receiving countries and the countries of origin,
     Taking due account of the activities of the competent international organizations, more particularly the International Labour Organisation, in this area,
     are of the opinion that the problems arising bilaterally from the migration of workers in Europe as well as between the participating States should be dealt with by the parties directly concerned, in order to resolve these problems in their mutual interest, in the light of the concern of each State involved to take due account of the requirements resulting from its socio-economic situation, having regard to the obligation of each State to comply with the bilateral and multilateral agreements to which it is party, and with the following aims in view:
     to encourage the efforts of the countries of origin directed towards increasing the possibilities of employment for their nationals in their own territories, in particular by developing economic co-operation appropriate for this purpose and suitable for the host countries and the countries of origin concerned;
     to ensure, through collaboration between the host country and the country of origin, the conditions under which the orderly movement of workers might take place, while at the same time protecting their personal and social welfare and, if appropriate, to organize the recruitment of migrant workers and the provision of elementary language and vocational training;
     to ensure equality of rights between migrant workers and nationals of the host countries with regard to conditions of employment and work and to social security, and to endeavour to ensure that migrant workers may enjoy satisfactory living conditions, especially housing conditions;
     to endeavour to ensure, as far as possible, that migrant workers may enjoy the same opportunities as nationals of the host countries of finding other suitable employment in the event of unemployment;
     to regard with favour the provision of vocational training to migrant workers and, as far as possible, free instruction in the language of the host country, in the framework of their employment;
     to confirm the right of migrant workers to receive, as far as possible, regular information in their own language, covering both their country of origin and the host country;
     to ensure that the children of migrant workers established in the host country have access to the education usually given there, under the same conditions as the children of that country and, furthermore, to permit them to receive supplementary education in their own language, national culture, history and geography;
     to bear in mind that migrant workers, particularly those who have acquired qualifications, can by returning to their countries after a certain period of time help to remedy any deficiency of skilled labour in their country of origin;
     to facilitate, as far as possible, the reuniting of migrant workers with their families;
     to regard with favour the efforts of the countries of origin to attract the savings of migrant workers, with a view to increasing, within the framework of their economic development, appropriate opportunities for employment, thereby facilitating the reintegration of these workers on their return home.

    Training of personnel

    The participating States,
     Conscious of the importance of the training and advanced training of professional staff and technicians for the economic development of every country,
     declare themselves willing to encourage co-operation in this field notably by promoting exchange of information on the subject of institutions, programmes and methods of training and advanced training open to professional staff and technicians in the various sectors of economic activity and especially in those of management, public planning, agriculture and commercial and banking techniques;
     consider that it is desirable to develop, under mutually acceptable conditions, exchanges of professional staff and technicians, particularly through training activities, of which it would be left to the competent and interested bodies in the participating States to discuss the modalities - duration, financing, education and qualification levels of potential participants;
     declare themselves in favour of examining, through appropriate channels, the possibilities of cooperating on the organization and carrying out of vocational training on the job, more particularly in professions involving modern techniques.


    Questions relating to Security and Co-operation in the Mediterranean

    The participating States,
     Conscious of the geographical, historical, cultural, economic and political aspects of their relationship with the non-participating Mediterranean States,
     Convinced that security in Europe is to be considered in the broader context of world security and is closely linked with security in the Mediterranean area as a whole, and that accordingly the process of improving security should not be confined to Europe but should extend to other parts of the world, and in particular to the Mediterranean area,
     Believing that the strengthening of security and the intensification of co-operation in Europe would stimulate positive processes in the Mediterranean region, and expressing their intention to contribute towards peace, security and justice in the region, in which ends the participating States and the non-participating Mediterranean States have a common interest,
     Recognizing the importance of their mutual economic relations with the nonparticipating Mediterranean States, and conscious of their common interest in the further development of co-operation,
     Noting with appreciation the interest expressed by the non-participating Mediterranean States in the Conference since its inception, and having duly taken their contributions into account,

    Declare their intention:

    -  to promote the development of good-neighbourly relations with the non-participating Mediterranean States in conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, on which their relations are based, and with the United Nations Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States and accordingly, in this context, to conduct their relations with the non-participating Mediterranean States in the spirit of the principles set forth in the Declaration on Principles Guiding Relations between Participating States;
    -  to seek, by further improving their relations with the non-participating Mediterranean States, to increase mutual confidence, so as to promote security and stability in the Mediterranean area as a whole;
    -  to encourage with the non-participating Mediterranean States the development of mutually beneficial co-operation in the various fields of economic activity, especially by expanding commercial exchanges, on the basis of a common awareness of the necessity for stability and progress in trade relations, of their mutual economic interests, and of differences in the levels of economic development, thereby promoting their economic advancement and well-being;
    -  to contribute to a diversified development of the economies of the non-participating Mediterranean countries, whilst taking due account of their national development objectives, and to cooperate with them, especially in the sectors of industry, science and technology, in their efforts to achieve a better utilization of their resources, thus promoting a more harmonious development of economic relations;
    -  to intensify their efforts and their co-operation on a bilateral and multilateral basis with the non - participating Mediterranean States directed towards the improvement of the environment of the Mediterranean, especially the safeguarding of the biological resources and ecological balance of the sea, by appropriate measures including the prevention and control of pollution; to this end, and in view of the present situation, to cooperate through competent international organizations and in particular within the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP);
    -  to promote further contacts and co-operation with the non-participating Mediterranean States in other relevant fields.

     In order to advance the objectives set forth above, the participating States also declare their intention of maintaining and amplifying the contacts and dialogue as initiated by the CSCE with the non-participating Mediterranean States to include all the States of the Mediterranean, with the purpose of contributing to peace, reducing armed forces in the region, strengthening security, lessening tensions in the region, and widening the scope of cooperation, ends in which all share a common interest, as well as with the purpose of defining further common objectives.
     The participating States would seek, in the framework of their multilateral efforts, to encourage progress and appropriate initiatives and to proceed to an exchange of views on the attainment of the above purposes.

    Co-operation in Humanitarian and Other Fields  

    The participating States,
     Desiring to contribute to the strengthening of peace and understanding among peoples and to the spiritual enrichment of the human personality without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
     Conscious that increased cultural and educational exchanges, broader dissemination of information, contacts between people, and the solution of humanitarian problems will contribute to the attainment of these aims,
     Determined therefore to cooperate among themselves, irrespective of their political, economic and social systems, in order to create better conditions in the above fields, to develop and strengthen existing forms of co-operation and to work out new ways and means appropriate to these aims,
     Convinced that this co-operation should take place in full respect for the principles guiding relations among participating States as set forth in the relevant document,
    Have adopted the following:

    1. Human Contacts

    The participating States,
     Considering the development of contacts to be an important element in the strengthening of friendly relations and trust among peoples,
     Affirming, in relation to their present effort to improve conditions in this area, the importance they attach to humanitarian considerations,
     Desiring in this spirit to develop, with the continuance of détente, further efforts to achieve continuing progress in this field
     And conscious that the questions relevant hereto must be settled by the States concerned under mutually acceptable conditions,
     Make it their aim to facilitate freer movement and contacts, individually and collectively, whether privately or officially, among persons, institutions and organizations of the participating States, and to contribute to the solution of the humanitarian problems that arise in that connexion,
     Declare their readiness to these ends to take measures which they consider appropriate and to conclude agreements or arrangements among themselves, as may be needed, and
     Express their intention now to proceed to the implementation of the following:

    (a) Contacts and Regular Meetings on the Basis of Family Ties

     In order to promote further development of contacts on the basis of family ties the participating States will favourably consider applications for travel with the purpose of allowing persons to enter or leave their territory temporarily, and on a regular basis if desired, in order to visit members of their families.
     Applications for temporary visits to meet members of their families will be dealt with without distinction as to the country of origin or destination: existing requirements for travel documents and visas will be applied in this spirit. The preparation and issue of such documents and visas will be effected within reasonable time limits, cases of urgent necessity - such as serious illness or death - will be given priority treatment. They will take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that the fees for official travel documents and visas are acceptable.
     They confirm that the presentation of an application concerning contacts on the basis of family ties will not modify the rights and obligations of the applicant or of members of his family.

    (b) Reunification of Families

     The participating States will deal in a positive and humanitarian spirit with the
    applications of persons who wish to be reunited with members of their family, with special attention being given to requests of an urgent character - such as requests submitted by persons who are ill or old.
     They will deal with applications in this field as expeditiously as possible
     They will lower where necessary the fees charged in connexion with these applications to ensure that they are at a moderate level.
     Applications for the purpose of family reunification which are not granted may be renewed at the appropriate level and will be reconsidered at reasonably short intervals by the authorities of the country of residence or destination, whichever is concerned-, under such circumstances fees will be charged only when applications are granted.
     Persons whose applications for family reunification are granted may bring with them or ship their household and personal effects; to this end the participating States will use all possibilities provided by existing regulations.
     Until members of the same family are reunited meetings and contacts between them may take place in accordance with the modalities for contacts on the basis of family ties.
     The participating States will support the efforts of Red Cross and Red Crescent
    Societies concerned with the problems of family reunification.
     They confirm that the presentation of an application concerning family reunification will not modify the rights and obligations of the applicant or of members of his family.
     The receiving participating State will take appropriate care with regard to employment for persons from other participating States who take up permanent residence in that State in connexion with family reunification with its citizens and see that they are afforded opportunities equal to those enjoyed by its own citizens for education, medical assistance and social security.

    (c) Marriage between Citizens of Different States

     The participating States will examine favourably and on the basis of humanitarian considerations requests for exit or entry permits from persons who have decided to marry a citizen from another participating State.
     The processing and issuing of the documents required for the above purposes and for the marriage will be in accordance with the provisions accepted for family reunification.
     In dealing with requests from couples from different participating States, once
    married, to enable them and the minor children of their marriage to transfer their permanent residence to a State in which either one is normally a resident, the participating States will also apply the provisions accepted for family reunification.

    (d) Travel for Personal or Professional Reasons

     The participating States intend to facilitate wider travel by their citizens for personal or professional reasons and to this end they intend in particular:

    -  gradually to simplify and to administer flexibly the procedures for exit and entry;
    -  to ease regulations concerning movement of citizens from the other participating States in their territory, with due regard to security requirements.

     They will endeavour gradually to lower, where necessary, the fees for visas and official travel documents.
     They intend to consider, as necessary, means - including, in so far as appropriate, the conclusion of multilateral or bilateral consular conventions or other relevant agreements or understandings - for the improvement of arrangements to provide consular services, including legal and consular assistance.

    * * *

     They confirm that religious faiths, institutions and organizations, practising within the constitutional framework of the participating States, and their representatives can, in the field of their activities, have contacts and meetings among themselves and exchange information.

    (e) Improvement of Conditions for Tourism on an Individual or Collective Basis

     The participating States consider that tourism contributes to a fuller knowledge of the life, culture and history of other countries, to the growth of understanding among peoples, to the improvement of contacts and to the broader use of leisure. They intend to promote the development of tourism, on an individual or collective basis, and, in particular, they intend:

    -  to promote visits to their respective countries by encouraging the provision of appropriate facilities and the simplification and expediting of necessary formalities relating to such visits;
    -  to increase, on the basis of appropriate agreements or arrangements where necessary, co-operation in the development of tourism, in particular by considering bilaterally possible ways to increase information relating to travel to other countries and to the reception and service of tourists, and other related questions of mutual interest.

    (f) Meetings among Young People

     The participating States intend to further the development of contacts and exchanges among young people by encouraging:

    -  increased exchanges and contacts on a short or long term basis among young people working, training or undergoing education through bilateral or multilateral agreements or regular programmes in all cases where it is possible;
    -  study by their youth organizations of the question of possible agreements relating to frameworks of multilateral youth co-operation;
    -  agreements or regular programmes relating to the organization of exchanges of students, of international youth seminars, of courses of professional training and foreign language study;
    -  the further development of youth tourism and the provision to this end of appropriate facilities;
    -  the development, where possible, of exchanges, contacts and co-operation on a bilateral or multilateral basis between their organizations which represent wide circles of young people working, training or undergoing education;
    -  awareness among youth of the importance of developing mutual understanding and of strengthening friendly relations and confidence among peoples.

    (g) Sport

     In order to expand existing links and co-operation in the field of sport the participating States will encourage contacts and exchanges of this kind, including sports meetings and competitions of all sorts, on the basis of the established international rules, regulations and practice.

    (h) Expansion of Contacts

     By way of further developing contacts among governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations and associations, including women's organizations, the participating States will facilitate the convening of meetings as well as travel by delegations, groups and individuals.

    2. Information

    The participating States,
     Conscious of the need for an ever wider knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of life in other participating States,
     Acknowledging the contribution of this process to the growth of confidence between peoples,
     Desiring, with the development of mutual understanding between the participating States and with the further improvement of their relations, to continue further efforts towards
    progress in this field,
     Recognizing the importance of the dissemination of information from the other participating States and of a better acquaintance with such information,
     Emphasizing therefore the essential and influential role of the press, radio, television, cinema and news agencies and of the journalists working in these fields,
     Make it their aim to facilitate the freer and wider dissemination of information of all kinds, to encourage co-operation in the field of information and the exchange of information with other countries, and. to improve the conditions under which journalists from one participating State exercise their profession in another participating State, and
     Express their intention in particular:

    (a) Improvement of the Circulation of, Access to, and Exchange of Information


    (i) Oral Information
    -  To facilitate the dissemination of oral information through the encouragement of lectures and lecture tours by personalities and specialists from the other participating States, as well as exchanges of opinions at round table meetings, seminars, symposia, summer schools, congresses and other bilateral and multilateral meetings.

    (ii) Printed Information
    -  To facilitate the improvement of the dissemination, on their territory, of newspapers and printed publications, periodical and non-periodical, from the other participating States. For this purpose:
     they will encourage their competent firms and organizations to conclude agreements and contracts designed gradually to increase the quantities and the number of titles of newspapers and publications imported from the other participating States. These agreements and contracts should in particular mention the speediest conditions of delivery and the use of the normal channels existing in each country for the distribution of its own publications and newspapers, as well as forms and means of payment agreed between the parties making it possible to achieve the objectives aimed at by these agreements and contracts;
     where necessary, they will take appropriate measures to achieve the above objectives and to implement the provisions contained in the agreements and contracts.
    -  To contribute to the improvement of access by the public to periodical and nonperiodical printed publications imported on the bases indicated above. In particular:
     they will encourage an increase in the number of places where these publications are on sale,
     they will facilitate the availability of these periodical publications during congresses, conferences, official visits and other international events and to tourists during the season,
     they will develop the possibilities for taking out subscriptions according to the modalities particular to each country;
     they will improve the opportunities for reading and borrowing these publications In large public libraries and their reading rooms as well as in university libraries.
     They intend to improve the possibilities for acquaintance with bulletins of official information issued by diplomatic missions and distributed by those missions on the basis of arrangements acceptable to the interested parties.

    (iii) Filmed and Broadcast Information
    -  To promote the improvement of the dissemination of filmed and broadcast information. To this end:
     they will encourage the wider showing and broadcasting of a greater variety of recorded and filmed information from the other participating States, illustrating the various aspects of life in their countries and received on the basis of such agreements or arrangements as may be necessary between the organizations and firms directly concerned;
     they will facilitate the import by competent organizations and firms of recorded audio-visual material from the other participating States.
     The participating States note the expansion in the dissemination of information broadcast by radio, and express the hope for the continuation of this process, so as to meet the interest of mutual understanding among peoples and the aims set forth by this Conference.

    (b) Co-operation in the Field of Information

    -  To encourage co-operation in the field of information on the basis of short or long term agreements or arrangements. In particular:

     they will favour increased co-operation among mass media organizations. including press agencies, as well as among publishing houses and organizations:
     they will favour co-operation among public or private, national or international radio and television organizations, in particular through the exchange of both live and recorded radio and television programmes, and through the joint production and the broadcasting and distribution of such programmes;
     they will encourage meetings and contacts both between journalists organizations and between journalists from the participating States;
     they will view favourably the possibilities of arrangements between periodical publications as well as between newspapers from the participating States, for the purpose of exchanging and publishing articles;
     they will encourage the exchange of technical information as well as the organization of joint research and meetings devoted to the exchange of experience and views between experts in the field of the press, radio and television.

    (c) Improvement of Working Conditions for Journalists

    The participating States, desiring to improve the conditions under which journalists from one participating State exercise their profession in another participating State, intend in particular to:

    -  examine in a favourable spirit and within a suitable and reasonable time scale requests from journalists for visas;
    -  grant to permanently accredited journalists of the participating States, on the basis of arrangements, multiple entry and exit visas for specified periods;
    -  facilitate the issue to accredited journalists of the participating States of permits for stay in their country of temporary residence and, if and when these are necessary, of other official papers which it is appropriate for them to have;
    -  ease, on a basis of reciprocity, procedures for arranging travel by journalists of the participating States in the country where they are exercising their profession, and to provide progressively greater opportunities for such travel, subject to the observance of regulations relating to the existence of areas closed for security reasons,
    -  ensure that requests by such journalists for such travel receive, in so far as possible, an expeditious response, taking into account the time scale of the request;
    -  increase the opportunities for journalists of the participating States to communicate personally with their sources, including organizations and official institutions;
    -  grant to journalists of the participating States the right to import, subject only to its being taken out again, the technical equipment (photographic, cinematographic, tape recorder, radio and television) necessary for the exercise of their profession;
    -  enable journalists of the other participating States, whether permanently or temporarily accredited, to transmit completely, normally and rapidly by means recognized by the participating States to the information organs which they represent, the results of their professional activity, including tape recordings and undeveloped film, for the purpose of publication or of broadcasting on the radio or television.

     The participating States reaffirm that the legitimate pursuit of their professional activity will neither render journalists liable to expulsion nor otherwise penalize them. If an accredited journalist is expelled, he will be informed of the reasons for this act and may submit an application for re-examination of his case.


    ÀÌÀü±Û : 22. Conference on Security and Co-Operation Europe Final Act(HELSINKI 1975)-2
    ´ÙÀ½±Û : 22. Conference on Security and Co-Operation Europe Final Act(HELSINKI 1975)-4